2020 Road Racing Race for the Roses Majors – Status Update

Race for the Roses Majors
Blackhawk Valley & Milwaukee Regions
May 2&3, 2020
Blackhawk Farms Raceway

Current Update-3/22/2020

At this time we are being optimistic and proceeding ahead with plans for the May Majors race.  This event weekend is on the backside of the current CDC guidelines, so we are hoping that they are able to be relaxed and the race can be held.

Registration will open soon.  Please register so we can start our planning and also keep in touch with you more easily.

Drivers: Your credit cards will not be charged until the race weekend.

As we get closer and certain deadline dates become apparent, we will revisit our decision.  New information will be posted here and sent to those who have registered.

If a cancellation or postponement is needed, as much time as possible will be given.

Please keep watching for updates and stay safe.

Blackhawk Valley and Milwaukee Regions

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